Explore the mindful use of psilocybin

in the comfort of your own space

You are what you’re looking for

A Psychedelic vision

Not a shaman, not a trip sitter, not a therapist. But a listener, an intuitive and a dreamer.

Holding space is the art of mastering emptiness, creating a container for infinite possibilities.

Benefits of truffle therapy include;

  • Connection

  • Shadow work

  • Balance

  • Inner child

  • Purpose

  • Energetic cleanse

Truffle Therapy

Truffle therapy combines the therapeutic qualities of psilocybin with the trusted support of an experienced facilitator. The supportive context of psilocybin treatment allows the participant to process what is gained through the psychedelic experience with guidance, enhancing integration of these insights for lasting relief.

Individuals who engage in psilocybin-assisted therapy are not only people who struggle with mental imbalances like depression, but are also those seeking intuitive and creative insights. The sessions are designed to be approachable and effective for contemporary times and for people from all walks of life who feel called to the experience.

Psilocybin can help participants break out of self-destructive patterns and reconnect you with a sense of purpose, passion and creativity in life.

Psilocybin is not a way to escape reality, it’s a way to experience reality
