Psilocybin Retreat

For the individual, couple and small groups.

Set & Setting are two delicate components in experiencing the optimal psilocybin journey. These conditions vary from person to person and together we’ll explore your individual needs.


Seeing the condition of our modern lives, it seems evident that running into psychological/emotional imbalances is just a matter of time. Psilocybin assisted therapy not only aids the participant out of severe mental problems like depression, but can also play a more integral part in our self care routine, creating a conscious and mindful relationship with this natural approach to wellbeing.

Psilocybin assisted Therapy is a direct way to become more aware of our often subconscious (limiting) beliefs and associated blocked emotions that stand in the way of a more fulfilling life. This form of therapy alters the regular state of consciousness, bringing us in a space of increased clarity and compassion towards ourselves and others. 

For whom?

Our past and current life experiences and the meaning we make from them can give rise to negative and overwhelming psychological, emotional, and physical symptoms. Traumatic experiences can shape our perception of ourselves and the world, including how we react and respond to life's challenges and our ability to navigate our emotions. These perceptions can become habitual patterns and cycles that contribute to mental/emotional suffering.

Truffle Therapy and its healing qualities is suitable for anyone who wants to gain insight into themselves and his/her lives (dis)functioning. The central focus is always on exploring the root causes of mental and emotional imbalances, thus causing relief in a lasting way. 

Benefits of intentional journeying;

  • Intuitive Intelligence

    Psilocybin has a unique way of dissolving the boundaries of the so-called ego, our regular sense of self we usually solely identify with. Beyond this ‘lower’ self lies our intuitive intelligence. Through the psilocybin session we’re able to connect with, learn and grow from this innate dimension.

  • Shadow Work

    The shadow represents our repressed and neglected aspects. These can be both positive as well as negative, but our unawareness of these elements is often times the cause of mental suffering. A psilocybin session is capable of revealing our shadow, so that we can become aware of and integrate these aspects.

  • Release emotional blockages

    Through the psilocybin induced state, we’re able to see what role we play in the manifestation of our own suffering. Without the usual judgement or reasoning we now are able to connect with our emotions, feeling them and therefore releasing these blockages through laughter, tears and movement.

  • Purpose

    People that have journeyed on psilocybin often report a increased sense of purpose. Through connecting with our intuition we get a sense of our role in the world. Facing the difficulties of life head on, we learn re-contextualizing these so-called problems, and now view them as opportunities to reach our highest potential.

  • Heart opening

    Psilocybin has a magical way of opening one’s heart wide open, to the point of almost being overwhelmed by love and compassion. In this open state we lose the need to hold grudges and can more easily forgive ourselves and as result forgive others. We feel a deep sense of acceptance and gratitude for the experience of life.

  • Energetic cleanse

    Just through the mere act of living, we build up a lot of tension. Energy that accumulates over time and literally becomes a part of our being, weighing us down energetically. Through the psilocybin treatment we’re able to cleanse our energy and release any clutter that doesn’t serve our highest potential.

 The Guidance

The role that I play in facilitating the whole psychedelic process is two fold, that represent the Yin & Yang elements.

First is to actively assist the participant in preparation for and reflection after the experience, as well as curate the psilocybin session. In this pre-journey video call we’ll go over your motivation, establish intention and engage in dialogue that will prove to be useful in the process of integrating your psychedelic insights.

The second part of my role is seemingly more passive, but significant nonetheless. I’m not there to color your experience, or interpret what you’re feeling, but I can leave room and create space where you feel safe enough to find out for yourself. The psilocybin merely acts as a mirror, giving you the clarity to look within.

Psychedelic healing?


The first consultation serves as preparation for the psilocybin session. I am interested in the motivation of the participant and what moved them to be open for this specific experience. I'll mostly ask questions, and we’ll go into more detail about what you’d like to give attention to during the journey. This will lead you towards establishing an intention, which plays a significant role in the whole healing process.

Intention is our conscious contribution to the experience and serves as an anchor point we give ourselves, especially when things get overwhelming and challenging during the session.

The psilocybin experience is about letting go, and paradoxically our intention helps us in this process.

In the days leading to the session, I encourage the participant to cultivate a sense of receptivity and resolve towards the upcoming journey. See this as a unique opportunity to learn, and understand yourself more deeply.

The Session

Depending on your preference you can choose to eat the truffles either raw or a truffle tea can be prepared. Before ingestion we’ll go into a breathing exercise, to calm down the nervous system.

The session begins with the participant laying on a mattress, their eyes covered with a meditation/sleeping mask, which induces more of an inward experience.

Having an intuitive way of guiding the psilocybin journeys, there’s plenty of room for spontaneity and creativity. The intimacy of the session enables you to completely surrender and give in to the experience.

My role is to facilitate the conditions that enhance the healing and therapeutic qualities of the truffles. During the session there will be opportunity for dialogue and processing, but I’ll encourage the participant to go inward as much as they can and be in a state of receiving.


  • A Magic Truffle is very similar to a magic mushroom in it’s mind altering effects, with a bit of a sour tasting nut-like flavor.

    Both contain the psychoactive element of psilocybin, enabling you to achieve an altered state of consciousness.

    Magic truffles bring you deep below the surface of regular consciousness, and is capable of helping you become more aware of deep rooted thought and behavior patterns.

    These insights can help heal mental imbalances, inspire creativity and assist your spiritual growth in a multitude of ways.

  • Psilocybin truffles and mushrooms are legal to consume in The Netherlands. The truffles are regulated by the Dutch authorities, meaning; it’s not only legal to consume or administer truffles, but it’s also allowed to buy or sell psilocybin truffles.

    There are no penalties for cultivating, administering or consuming psilocybin mushrooms or truffles in The Netherlands.

    Despite being still a fairly new phenomenon for most people, retreat offerings are rising for psychedelic treatment worldwide, with The Netherlands being a frontrunner.

  • No. Through the years, the feared damage by this natural product has been thoroughly researched. So far, none of these studies concluded that the active substances are harmful or associated with mental or physical addiction.

    We do however discourage the use of magic truffles when suffering from severe mental problems, like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc.

    The psychedelic journey can be very confronting at times and is capable of shattering the ego construct of our minds, which isn’t always a very pleasant experience. After the journey the gained insights should be integrated by the participant, and we advice at least a few weeks without the medicine after a single journey.

  • On the day of journeying, we urge you to fast for at least four hours before consuming the truffles.

    The maximum healing effect of truffles is achieved on an empty stomach, however drinking water or herbal tea is fine.

    On the day of the session, try to minimize the number of external triggers, and create space to reflect on your intention of the journey.

    We also encourage our participants to refrain from animal flesh a few days before the session. This diet helps prepare the body, and make us more receptive for spiritual insights.

  • Giving our preference to a more free flow of working and living, it’s possible to apply for a Magic Truffle session with psiloguidance through our contact form.

    psiloguidance is based in Amsterdam, but is willing to come to your accommodation in The Netherlands, whether this is your own home or a booked Airbnb or other type of accommodation.

    The advantage with having the Psilocybin session at your private accommodation is that you won’t have to move once the journey has come to an end.

    After a 5 hour session you'll most likely still feel quite sensitive and a walk or drive isn’t recommended.