Psychedelic Support

Remote assistance for the psychedelic journeyer

Enhance the therapeutic qualities of psilocybin with the virtual support of an experienced psychedelic practitioner. 


Experiencing psilocybin intentionally doesn’t always require the physical assistance of a facilitator, sitter or retreat leader. You may need some practical help in curating the optimal conditions to journey safely and feel prepared for the great unknown of the psychedelic space. With over 5 years of psychedelic experience, journeying by myself and facilitating 200+ psilocybin sessions for clients, I’m well aware what type of physical and mental conditions are required to make the most out of your psilocybin journey.

The purpose of my virtual support is to co-create intentionality around your psychedelic experience, enhancing the therapeutic potential of the psilocybin truffles/mushrooms and serving as an accountability partner pre and post journey. From sharing useful practicalities and giving mindful suggestions to being able to listen and receive whatever it is you feel comfortable with expressing. 

For whom?

Psychedelic Support is for anyone who is about to embark on a journey with psilocybin truffles or mushrooms, and is looking for ways to emphasize the therapeutic qualities of her/his experience. Whether you’re journeying solo, with a sitter or within a retreat/group context, the different dynamics will all influence the trajectory of your journey in a profoundly unique way. Curating the optimal set & setting will serve you in navigating the psychedelic space induced by psilocybin. 

With the growing interest in psychedelic use for therapeutic purposes and spiritual cultivation, there’s also a growing need for education and awareness around its equally great potential and risks. Preparing for a psychedelic journey is a combination between taking practical measures to enhance safety, whilst simultaneously cultivating a mental state of receptivity towards the upcoming experience. Finding this delicate balance is where my expertise lies. 

Feats of Psychedelic Support;

  • Set

    Establishing the right (mind)Set is the dynamic between a healthy sense of control and surrendering to the fungal intelligence of the truffles/mushrooms. Two seemingly contradicting principles, but equally important when it comes to journeying with intent. These conditions vary from person to person and together we’ll explore your individual needs.

  • Setting

    Creating an intentional space pertains to the physical as well as the mental/emotional. From dietary choices that enhance receptivity and curating music that suits your specific taste to choosing a sitter that knows how to leave room, while still remaining present are all elements I encounter in my work as a psychedelic consultant.

  • Dosing

    Ideal dosage for a psilocybin journey depends on a myriad of factors like intention, sensitivity, prior experience, setting, medication use etc. Not to mention the relevant distinction between (psilocybin) truffles and mushrooms, as well as the great variety of strains and species available on the (black) market. Every nuance in dose and strain will produce an entirely different journey. Trip mindfully and align your dosage to your intention.

  • Intentionality

    The emphasis of our collaboration is to create an intentional and safe space to interact with the psilocybin truffles or mushrooms. Having a specific intention(s) can surely be of use to identify and summarize our motivation. But of equal importance is our level of openness to receive and honor whatever it is this experience has to offer us. Cultivating this quality of receptiveness is a big part of psychedelic work.

  • Accountability Partner

    Having someone to discuss your insights and journeys with can be useful in the processing and integration of these experiences. As your virtual companion who has been on numerous psychedelic voyages and intimately familiar with the many ambiguous dynamics and principles of the non-ordinary state of consciousness produced by psilocybin, my perspective can serve as a unique reflection on your specific experience.

  • Practices

    There are many tangible practices that can be of use before, during and after a psychedelic experience. From breathing techniques to calm down the nervous system and body postures that enhance feelings of safety/trust to guided meditations to come back down after a deep journey. All practical elements that contribute to the mindful approach of the psychedelic voyager.

Virtual Guidance


Our first virtual consultation serves as preparation for your upcoming psilocybin journey. Firstly, I am interested in the background of the practitioner and learning what moved them to be open for this specific experience. I'll mostly listen and ask questions, to get closer to the core of your motivation and find out what you’d like to explore consciously.

This will help you towards identifying what you’d like to take away from this experience, and perhaps even establish a specific intention(s).

After discussing your part of the psychedelic interaction, I’ll share more about the nature of psilocybin and how it can potentially assist you in your personal quest.

Finally we’ll look into ways to align your individual needs and intentions with practical approaches to emphasize the therapeutic properties of the psilocybin truffles/mushrooms.


Our second video call ideally is within 7 days post-journey to give you enough time to process on your own, while still remaining somewhat raw out of the psilocybin experience

Given how we lose most of the details of our journeys quite soon after, I’m more interested in how you experienced it rather than knowing what you encountered.

Just the mere act of verbalizing what themes resurfaced during your journey will help you to process them consciously.

I can be of assistance not only by listening, but also sharing useful suggestions to deepen the integration of the insights gained through your psilocybin journey.

More contact moments post-journey are optional depending on your requirements.


  • While some fundamental differences may exist, magic truffles and magic mushrooms are very similar. This is because both of them contain the same psychoactive compounds responsible for inducing a psychedelic experience.

    Apart from the visual appearance, there are no major differences between psilocybin mushrooms and truffles.

    Truffles are essentially the subterranean part of a mushroom, ready to be utilized as food reserves by the rest of the organism. However, when it comes to inducing a non ordinary state of consciousness, truffles are just as potent and intense as mushrooms.

    What is different is the consistency of their potency. Because mushrooms can grow into all kinds of shapes and sizes, the concentration of psychoactive compounds (like psilocybin) contained per gram can differ. This results in inconsistent potency from one mushroom to another. Truffles, however, are much more consistent due to their small and compact size. You should assume that each truffle contains roughly the same amount of psychoactive psilocybin.

  • The legal status of unauthorised actions with psilocybin mushrooms varies worldwide. Psilocybin and psilocin are listed as Schedule I drugs under the United Nations 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.

    Schedule I drugs are defined as drugs with a high potential for abuse or drugs that have no recognized medical uses.

    However, psilocybin mushrooms have had numerous medicinal and religious uses in dozens of cultures throughout history and have a significantly lower potential for abuse than other Schedule I drugs.

  • No. Through the years, the feared damage by this natural product has been thoroughly researched. So far, none of these studies concluded that the active substances are harmful or associated with mental or physical addiction.

    We do however discourage the use of psilocybin truffles and mushrooms when suffering from severe mental problems, like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc.

  • The two video calls part of this service are each 60 minutes.